IMAGeS team: IMages, leArning, Geometry and Statistics

Larbi Boubchir

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CNRS Postdoctoral Researcher

ICube - MIV
300 Bd Sébastien Brant
BP 10413
67412 Illkirch CEDEX - France

Tel : + 33 (0) 3 68 85 44 84
Fax : + 33 (0) 3 68 85 44 97
Bureau : C223

Courriel :

Research Activities

White-matter fibers clustering of the humain brain
My current research is centered on white-matter fibers clustering of the fetal brain, and falls within the ERC FBrain project where the main objective is to study the fetal brain maturation and to provide essential tools for neurosurgerians and neurophysicians.
Corpus callosum region Fiber tracts Clustering fiber tracts
Key-words : Fiber Clustering, Fiber Tractography, dMRI (Diffusion Magnetic Resonance Imaging), DTI (Diffusion tensor imaging), Foetal Brain.
Software: Baby Brain Toolkit BTK
  • Btk it a toolkit developped for the ERC FBrain, it contain tools for image processing, reconstruction, denoising, segmentation, tractography...
  • Btk is coded with the C++ language and use ITK and VTK frameworks
  • Btk is open-source with and under the CeCill-B licence
  • Btk is hosted on GitHub
Key-words : BTK, ITK, VTK, CMake, Git, GitHub, C++, Python, 3D-Slicer, ITK-SNAP
ERC FBrain project team

Teaching Activities

Department: UFR Mathematics & Computer Science
Course: Databases (Licence 3 Informatique-TD)
Department: Computer Science
Computer Science DUT-1st year: P22-The use of software components (Java and Swing Components Library) (TD-TP)


Journal articles

Conference and workshop articles

French conference and workshop articles

Talks and Short Communications

  • L. Boubchir and B. Boashash, "Selecting the maximum relevant translated EEG time-frequency features with a minimum redundancy using the mutual information measure for newborn seizure detection and classification", Qatar Foundation Annual Research Forum, Doha, Qatar, Oct. 21-23, 2012.
  • L. Boubchir, T. Brahimi, R. Fournier and A. Nait-Ali, "A novel wavelet-based multimodal compression scheme for joint image-signal compression", Qatar Foundation Annual Research Forum, Doha, Qatar, Oct. 21-23, 2012.
  • L. Boubchir and B. Boashash, "Newborn EEG-based automatic abnormalities diagnosis scheme using a time-frequency & image processing approach", Qatar Foundation Annual Research Forum, Doha, Qatar, Nov. 20-22, 2011.
  • L. Boubchir, "Bayesian approach for time-frequency image denoising with application to EEG signals", First Workshop on Time-Frequency Signal Analysis and Processing, Qatar University College of Engineering, June 14, 2011.
  • L. Boubchir, A. Otmani and N. Zerida, "Attaque de tatouage d’image fondée sur une estimation bayésienne non-linéaire non-paramétrique dans le domaine des ondelettes", Journées Codage et Cryptographie, Mars 17-21, Carcans, France, 2008.
  • J. Fadili and L. Boubchir, "Sparse representations and Bayesian denoising", SIAM Conference on Imaging Science (SIAM-IS’2006), May 15-18, Minneapolis, USA, 2006.
  • L. Boubchir, J. Fadili and D. Bloyet, "Le processus alpha-stable pour l'estimation Bayésienne non paramétrique des images dans le domaine des ondelettes", Conf. IFR-47; Institut Fédératif de Recherche en Neuro-Imagerie Fonctionnelle, Cyceron, Sept. 13, Caen, France, 2003.
