IMAGeS team: IMages, leArning, Geometry and Statistics

Anastasiia Bozhok

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PhD Student

300 Bd Sébastien Brant
BP 10413
67412 Illkirch CEDEX - France

Office: B237
Email: bozhok (at) unistra (dot) fr


PhD topic

Plenoptic tomography for 3D microscopy - device and algorithms

Doctoral advisors : Jihad Zallat (PR, ICube TRIO) and Christian Heinrich (PR, ICube IMAGeS)

The general context of the thesis is the plenoptic tomography for microscopy. The application framework is biology and medicine, with a view to proposing original tools for the analysis of tissues.

This research work is part of a currently ongoing project in the transverse axis "physical imaging and imaging systems" (Imagerie Physique et Systèmes - IPS) of the ICube laboratory. The application framework has also included this project in the axis "medical and surgical imaging and robotics" (Imagerie et Robotique Médicale et Chirurgicale - IRMC) of the ICube laboratory.


1A : Numerical analysis
1A : Probability and stochastic processes
2A : Signal processing