IMAGeS team: IMages, leArning, Geometry and Statistics

Aicha bentaieb

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CNRS Research Engineer

ICube - MIV
300 Bd Sébastien Brant
BP 10413
67412 Illkirch CEDEX - France

Tel : +33 (0) 3 68 85 44 84
Office : C223

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Project ERC FBrain

BTK Toolkit btk

  • Btk is a toolkit developped for the ERC FBrain.
  • The aim of this project is to provide different tools for image processing, reconstruction, denoising, segmentation, tractography on fetal brain images.
  • Btk is coded with the C++ language and use ITK and VTK frameworks
  • Btk is an open-source toolkit: CeCill-B licence
  • It is hosted on GitHub

Characterization and sequencing of fetal brain development

  • Using different methods such as registration, triangularization, surface mapping, discrete curvature and probabilistic approaches our goal is to provide a temporal descritption of the "events" or changes (e.g cortex folding) appearing during fetal brain development.
Curvature on a triangular mesh of fetal brain cortex surface


Key-words : Btk, ITK, VTK, CMake, Git, GitHub, C++, Python, Slicer, Itksnap