IMAGeS team: IMages, leArning, Geometry and Statistics

Adrien Krähenbühl

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Assistant Professor

ICube - MIV
300 Bd Sébastien Brant

BP 10413
67412 Illkirch CEDEX - France

Tel: + 33 (0) 3 68 81 95 54
Office: C 227a
Email: krahenbuhl (at) unistra (dot) fr



I'm assistant professor in computer sciences at University of Strasbourg.
I teach in department of computer sciences at IUT Robert Schuman.
I conduct my research in the IMAGeS team of the ICube laboratory.

Previously I was:

  • Postdoc in Image et Son team of the LaBRI laboratory in Bordeaux, France,
  • Ph.D student in ADAGIo team of the LORIA laboratory in Nancy.